Animal Welfare Policy

Our animal welfare policy is framed within the search for higher effectiveness through innovation, by providing superior nutritional and health solutions.

In Spin we have an ethical and moral responsibility, in which animals that we attend are well cared for, and this policy reflects our total commitment with animal welfare.

Products that we sell are the result of investigations carried out by our allies, third party or by ourselves, in which:

• The OIE (World Organization for Animal Health) guidelines regarding animal welfare and the 5 freedoms are met 1/
• When conducting basic research, the principles of the 3 R’s (Reduce, Refine and Replace) (Russel y Burch, 1959) are followed
• Ethical considerations have been taken into account and/or an approval by a renowned institution has been granted
• Animal welfare standards required by local, national or international laws or regulations are met or exceeded
• Experimental designs try to generate the highest amount of valuable information
• All the colleagues involved have experience in the handling of the animals and have to treat the animals with respect
• Animales are monitored regularly and veterinary attention is available
• Records of health conditions and production parameters are kept
• Standards of preventive management of diseases are followed
• When performing procedures on animals, the aim is to eliminate or reduce pain or discomfort
• The transport and eventual slaughter of the animals is carried out in compliance with current regulations


It is worth noting that animal welfare is essential for scientific trials to provide accurate and useful information.


On the other hand, our products have proven that they are safe and effective, and that they respond to needs to achieve greater well-being in animals.

Areas in which our products contribute to animal welfare:

• Correction of nutritional deficiencies
• Prevention of digestive, metabolic and infectious diseases
• Increased appetite
• Reduction of stress perception
• freedom from hunger, thirst and malnutrition;
• freedom from fear and distress;
• freedom from physical and thermal discomfort;
• freedom from pain, injury and disease;
• freedom to express normal patterns of behavior
